The project focuses on volcanoes that have not erupted in recent times, are considered dormant, but have had powerful historical eruptions and are also located near large urban centers, therefore they are particularly dangerous. Thus, the necessity for a paradigm shift from response to anticipation in the study and monitoring of such systems. For this reason, the PREVIA Project (Preparación y Resistencia a las Erupciones Volcánicas Iberoamericanas) has been developing actions addressing the case of potential eruptions and activity of Apoyeque volcano in Nicaragua (last known eruption 50 BCE, tephrochronology, VEI 6, located ~30 km from Managua, population ~1 million). The project is interdisciplinary and aims to combine techniques from both the natural and social sciences to address the issue of how society might become more resilient to natural hazards and risks associated with volcanoes.