Education - dissemination and communication.
Education Sciences - design and implement of Science - Technology - Engineering - Arts - Mathematics (STEAM) activities about volcanism, risks and danger, to foster a culture of prevention and resilience.
Educational research has shown transmissive teaching is not effective for meaningful scientific learning nor for aspects related to the affective domain. Integrated science education with other disciplines such as mathematics, technology and engineering, which makes up the STEAM orientation, is an emerging methodology that has shown positive effects in different aspects, especially those related to motivation.
In Earth Sciences, the STEAM approach has great educational potential to promote changes in attitudes such as those sought by the PREVIA Project.

Poster presentado en la 15th Conference of the European Science Education Research Association (ESERA 2023) celebrada en la Capadocia (Turquía) entre el 28 de Agosto y el 1 de Septiembre.