Dossier Statistico Immgrazione, Italia 2024

Tue, 10/29/2024 - 14:53

Today, October 29, the "Dossier Statistico Immigrazione" 2024 will be presented in all regions and autonomous cities of Italy.

In Sicily, the presentation took place in Palermo and included the participation of Giuseppina Tumminelli, professor at the University of Palermo and researcher in the Global-ANSWER Project, who has analysed in depth the immigration situation on the island.

Tumminelli spoke about data on residence permits, reception, economy and employment, as well as education of foreigners, highlighting, for example, that migration in Sicily is lower than the national average. In addition, he highlighted the contribution of migration in Europe and recalled that the data are not just numbers but represent people, like any other.

It is of great importance to know the realities through data but also to know how to interpret the data very well from the perspective of each territory, something essential in Global-ANSWER's aim to identify good practices in social work with human mobility.