The Global-ANSWER Network "Social Work and Human Mobility" a project born with the aimed of identifying, analysing and disseminating good practices in the field of social work, social services and human mobility (migrants, refugees or asylum seekers) in Spain, Italy and Sweden. To achieve this, it favors internationally and intersectorally the collaborative and comparative work among its members, and develops research and training activities between universities, municipalities and third sector organizations.
“This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie grant agreement No 872209”.

More Information about us
The Global-ANSWER Network "Social Work and Mobility and Human" was born within the framework of the Project "Global social work and human mobility: comparative studies on local government and good social work practices in the euro-mediterranean region" framed in the Marie Sklodowska-Curie Actions - RISE program of H2020 funded by the European Commission.
The objective of the Global-ANSWER Network is aimed at identifying, analysing and disseminating good practices in the field of social work, social services and human mobility (migrants, refugees or asylum seekers) in Spain, Italy and Sweden. To achieve this, it favors internationally and intersectorally the collaborative and comparative work among its members, and develops research and training activities between universities, municipalities and third sector organizations:
- Spain: University of Granada, Universidad Pontificia Comillas, Granada City Council, Red Acoge, Rioja Acoge, Bayt Al-Thaqafa and Diversidades Acolle.
Italy: University of Florence, University of Palermo, Palermo City Council, Oxfam Italy and Fondazione Nationale degli Assistenti Sociale.
- Sweden: Lund University, Linnæus University and Agape @S:t Thomas.
Its constitution is based on the importance of the reception and socio-economic inclusion of migrants and refugees as a key issue for contemporary Europe, particularly in the Euro-Mediterranean region, where the magnitude of new arrivals raises great concerns about human rights. In this challenge, social work professionals are on the front line playing a fundamental role in local government responses and professional practice for the reception and inclusion of newcomers and their families.
Members of the Global-ANSWER Network exchange skills and knowledge in order to progress through the identification, transfer and promotion of good practices in both local governance and social work interventions with migrants, refugees, asylum seekers and other groups in conditions of vulnerability, as a result of human mobility. To this end, it contributes to the objectives and strategies of the European Union (EU) aimed at promoting inclusive societies, solidly based on values of solidarity, non-discrimination, social justice, human dignity, democracy, equality and human rights, as values of the EU in line with the principles and values of Social Work as an academic discipline and profession.
If you want to know more about this project, you can download in the links the methological guide and the glossary that it are being used for the research in the Global ANSWER network
A brief view of our collaborators