Good Practices in Social Work and Human Mobility: The Global-ANSWER Approach
In the field of social work and human mobility, the Global-ANSWER Network defines good practices for social inclusion as strategies, methods, processes, or actions aimed at migrant populations and individuals seeking international protection throughout the EU. These good practices integrate four interrelated key components: coherence, awareness, reflexivity, and sustainability (Gijón, Gucciardo, & Quesada, 2023).
The Global-ANSWER Network focuses on identifying, analyzing, and promoting these good practices in Spain, Italy, and Sweden through comparative case studies that help disseminate meaningful experiences in these contexts. By doing so, we aim to generate rigorous knowledge that serves as a reference for guiding policies and governmental actions at the European level.
The aim is to strengthen social work approaches that uphold rights protection, well-being, and meaningful inclusion for migrants and individuals seeking international protection. Ensuring active participation and adopting an intersectional perspective are central to this process. The project promotes practices that emphasize respect for diversity, individual agency in decision-making, and the development of sustainable and adaptable solutions to address the challenges of human mobility.
In some cases, the presentation of good practices will include real-life examples to illustrate specific situations and extract valuable insights. However, the anonymity of individuals or entities involved will always be safeguarded, ensuring privacy and identity protection in accordance with ethical and professional principles in social work.
Engage with this initiative as it explores, documents, and shares innovative good practices in social work and human mobility, contributing to the development of more inclusive and socially just societies.
Leer en español
Buenas prácticas en trabajo social y movilidad humana: el enfoque Global-ANSWER
En el ámbito del trabajo social y la movilidad humana, la Red Global-ANSWER define como buenas prácticas de inclusión social aquellas estrategias, métodos, procesos o acciones dirigidas a poblacionEes migrantes y solicitantes de protección internacional que integran, de manera interrelacionada, cuatro componentes clave: coherencia, conciencia, reflexividad y sostenibilidad (Gijón et al., 2023).
Nuestro proyecto europeo se dedica a identificar, analizar y promover estas buenas prácticas en España, Italia y Suecia, realizando estudios de casos comparados que permitan difundir experiencias significativas en estos contextos. A través de este trabajo, buscamos generar un conocimiento riguroso que sirva como referencia para orientar políticas y acciones gubernamentales a nivel europeo.
El objetivo es fomentar un trabajo social comprometido con la protección de derechos, el bienestar y la inclusión real de las personas migrantes y solicitantes de protección internacional, garantizando su participación y adoptando una perspectiva interseccional. Apostamos por prácticas basadas en el respeto a la diversidad, el protagonismo de las personas en sus propios procesos y el desarrollo de soluciones sostenibles y adaptables que respondan a los desafíos de la movilidad humana.
En algunos casos, la presentación de buenas prácticas incluirá ejemplos reales con el propósito de ilustrar situaciones concretas y extraer aprendizajes valiosos. No obstante, en estos casos se garantizará el anonimato de las personas o entidades involucradas, respetando su privacidad y protegiendo su identidad conforme a los principios éticos y deontológicos del trabajo social.
Acompáñanos en esta iniciativa, en la que exploramos, documentamos y compartimos buenas prácticas innovadoras en trabajo social y movilidad humana, contribuyendo a la construcción de sociedades más inclusivas y comprometidas con la justicia social.
Leggere in italiano
Buone pratiche nel lavoro sociale e nella mobilità umana: l’approccio Global-ANSWER
Nel campo del lavoro sociale e della mobilità umana, la Rete Global-ANSWER definisce come buone pratiche di inclusione sociale quelle strategie, metodi, processi o azioni rivolti alle popolazioni migranti e ai richiedenti protezione internazionale che integrano, in modo interconnesso, quattro componenti chiave: coerenza, consapevolezza, riflessività e sostenibilità (Gijón et al., 2023).
Il nostro progetto europeo si dedica all’identificazione, analisi e promozione di queste buone pratiche in Spagna, Italia e Svezia, realizzando studi di casi comparati che permettano di diffondere esperienze significative in questi contesti. Attraverso questo lavoro, miriamo a generare una conoscenza rigorosa che possa servire da riferimento per orientare le politiche e le azioni governative a livello europeo.
L’obiettivo è promuovere un lavoro sociale impegnato nella tutela dei diritti, nel benessere e nell’inclusione effettiva delle persone migranti e dei richiedenti protezione internazionale, garantendo la loro partecipazione e adottando una prospettiva intersezionale. Sosteniamo pratiche basate sul rispetto della diversità, sul protagonismo delle persone nei propri processi e sullo sviluppo di soluzioni sostenibili e adattabili che rispondano alle sfide della mobilità umana.
In alcuni casi, la presentazione delle buone pratiche includerà esempi reali con l’obiettivo di illustrare situazioni concrete ed estrarre insegnamenti preziosi. Tuttavia, in questi casi sarà garantito l’anonimato delle persone o delle entità coinvolte, rispettando la loro privacy e proteggendo la loro identità in conformità ai principi etici e deontologici del lavoro sociale.
Unisciti a noi in questa iniziativa, in cui esploriamo, documentiamo e condividiamo buone pratiche innovative nel lavoro sociale e nella mobilità umana, contribuendo alla costruzione di società più inclusive e impegnate nella giustizia sociale.
GOOD PRACTICE 1: The Role of the Firs Language
TITLE: The First Language in Social Intervention: Ensuring Dignity and Rights Against Exclusion
This practice documents the family intervention process with a Syrian family seeking international protection in Granada, Spain, within the context of public housing. The family—Malak, Emad, and their three young children—was granted housing in 2018, initiating professional support focused on ensuring effective communication in their first language.
The intervention highlights the first language as a fundamental right, ensuring that migrants are understood in their own language to safeguard their dignity and access to rights. Language learning is framed as an integrated process of inclusion, rather than a mandatory prerequisite. The approach also fosters the active participation of migrants in decision-making, ensuring their experiences and needs are considered throughout the intervention. Effective communication has proven key to facilitating integration and social protection for beneficiary families.
This practice is grounded in a rights-based approach, intersectionality, and social justice, recognizing the structural role of the first language in social inclusion. Initially, Malak was the only Spanish speaker in the family, marginalizing Emad in key decision-making processes. Over time, linguistic and cultural mediation strategies were introduced to include him, emphasizing the need for professional translators in social services. The institutionalization of these resources is advocated to reduce reliance on informal networks and ensure effective professional intervention.
The intervention process has been continuously reviewed, allowing for strategic adjustments to better support the family. It became evident that imposing Spanish language acquisition as a condition for inclusion led to resistance and exclusion. A revised approach enabled Emad to make autonomous decisions about his language learning, demonstrating that inclusion is more effective when individual agency is respected. This experience underscores the central role of communication in social work interventions and highlights the need for constant critical reflection in professional practice.
Ensuring sustainability and adaptability requires continuous training for professionals in human mobility and human rights. Institutionalizing translation and interpretation services within social work is essential to ensure interventions respect the linguistic and cultural identity of migrants. This practice highlights the importance of integrating a critical, structural perspective into social work, fostering collaboration among stakeholders to guarantee effective, respectful, and sustainable interventions in diverse contexts.