
n the photos: Antonia Cobos Gámez, Sandra Lorena Martín, Vicente Martín López and Ivana Acocella.
Mon, 02/24/2025 - 21:25

Beginning in Florence, the Global ANSWER network's social work research meeting

To promote the exchange of good practices in the field of social protection of immigrants and social services, a series of meetings will be held in Florence in the framework of the project “Global Social Work and Human Mobility”. Organized by the University of Florence in collaboration with the City of Granada.

Belén Morata, principal investigator (PI) of the Global-ANSWER project, explains to the Fellows the activities to be carried out in the schedule of their internships.
Thu, 02/13/2025 - 08:30

The Global-ANSWER project, a learning platform in Social Work from the University of Granada

Within the framework of the European project Global-ANSWER, financed by the European Union through the Horizon 2020 programme, the Social Work students Isabel Cordón Lorca, Martha Vílchez Vargas and Ángeles González Páez have joined the network of international researchers from Spain, Italy and Sweden, which has been working for four years in the field of migration and human mobility, as scholarship holders. Josué Ganem Berrocal, a student from the Communication Department.

Carmen de los Mártires de Granada
Wed, 01/08/2025 - 15:01

III Meeting Global-ANSWER in Granada

The Global-ANSWER Network evaluates in Granada the challenges of migration and human mobility in Europe from the action of Social Work researchers and professionals.

Revisión del Libro Blanco de la Toscana sobre buenas prácticas de atención a migrantes
Sun, 12/01/2024 - 14:06

From Tuscany to Europe: A Replicable Model for Migrant Reception

Researchers Ivana Acocella y Giorgia Bulli, from the University of Florence coordinate the work 'From the ‘White Paper’ of the Tuscany Region to Replicable Best Practices in the Reception of Persons in Need of International Protection' published by FrancoAngelli.

Tue, 10/29/2024 - 14:53

Dossier Statistico Immgrazione, Italia 2024

Professor Giuseppina Tumminelli presented today in Palermo the context of migration in the region of Sicily, as part of the national presentation of the Dossier Statistio Immigrazione 2024.